##gff-version 3 P80280 UniProtKB Peptide 1 27 . . . ID=PRO_0000043642;Note=Dermaseptin-S4;Ontology_term=ECO:0000269;evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:8306981;Dbxref=PMID:8306981 P80280 UniProtKB Mutagenesis 4 4 . . . Note=K4-S4-(1-13) selectively disrupts the plasma membrane of the intracellular parasite P.falciparum without harming that of the mammalian host cell%3B when associated with 14-A--A-27 DEL. M->K P80280 UniProtKB Mutagenesis 14 27 . . . Note=K4-S4-(1-13) selectively disrupts the plasma membrane of the intracellular parasite P.falciparum without harming that of the mammalian host cell%3B when associated with K-4. Missing P80280 UniProtKB Turn 4 6 . . . Ontology_term=ECO:0007829;evidence=ECO:0007829|PDB:2DCX P80280 UniProtKB Beta strand 7 11 . . . Ontology_term=ECO:0007829;evidence=ECO:0007829|PDB:2DCX