##gff-version 3 P08985 UniProtKB Initiator methionine 1 1 . . . Note=Removed;Ontology_term=ECO:0000250;evidence=ECO:0000250 P08985 UniProtKB Chain 2 141 . . . ID=PRO_0000055309;Note=Histone H2A.v P08985 UniProtKB Region 1 20 . . . Note=Disordered;Ontology_term=ECO:0000256;evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite P08985 UniProtKB Region 93 103 . . . Note=Essential for function in development P08985 UniProtKB Motif 138 139 . . . Note=[ST]-Q motif P08985 UniProtKB Modified residue 5 5 . . . Note=N6-acetyllysine;Ontology_term=ECO:0000269;evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:15528408;Dbxref=PMID:15528408 P08985 UniProtKB Modified residue 138 138 . . . Note=Phosphoserine;Ontology_term=ECO:0000269;evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:12202754;Dbxref=PMID:12202754 P08985 UniProtKB Cross-link 121 121 . . . Note=Glycyl lysine isopeptide (Lys-Gly) (interchain with G-Cter in ubiquitin);Ontology_term=ECO:0000250;evidence=ECO:0000250 P08985 UniProtKB Natural variant 25 25 . . . Note=In strain: ZBMEL377. G->D P08985 UniProtKB Natural variant 90 90 . . . Note=In strain: ZBMEL131. A->T P08985 UniProtKB Natural variant 95 95 . . . Note=In strain: MEL16 and ZBMEL84. E->K;Ontology_term=ECO:0000269;evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:19126864;Dbxref=PMID:19126864