##gff-version 3 P05182 UniProtKB Initiator methionine 1 1 . . . Note=Removed;Ontology_term=ECO:0000269,ECO:0000269;evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:2321956,ECO:0000269|PubMed:3308889;Dbxref=PMID:2321956,PMID:3308889 P05182 UniProtKB Chain 2 493 . . . ID=PRO_0000051758;Note=Cytochrome P450 2E1 P05182 UniProtKB Binding site 298 303 . . . Ontology_term=ECO:0000250;evidence=ECO:0000250 P05182 UniProtKB Binding site 437 437 . . . Note=Axial binding residue P05182 UniProtKB Mutagenesis 129 129 . . . Note=Reduces interaction with HSP70%3B impairs interaction with HSP90. S->A;Ontology_term=ECO:0000269;evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:19401463;Dbxref=PMID:19401463 P05182 UniProtKB Sequence conflict 25 25 . . . Note=Q->K;Ontology_term=ECO:0000305;evidence=ECO:0000305